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OECD's Guidelines for the Security of Information Systems Accountability - The responsibilities and accountability of owners, providers and users of information systems and other parties...should be explicit. Awareness - Owners, providers, users and other parties should readily be able, consistent with maintaining security, to gain appropriate knowledge of and be informed about the existence and general extent of measures...for the security of informat.. 더보기
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[국내-제주도] 여섯번째 제주도 일정 * 이동- 항공편: 갈때/06:25, 올때/18:55- 렌트카: Sixt / 064-805-1500 * 숙소- 교래자연휴양림 / 숲속의 초가 7 / 15시 체크인 12시 체크아웃 / 064-783-7482 * 스케줄- 1일차아침 / 순옥이네 명가 / 064-743-4813 / 전복물회 및 전복죽섭지코지성산일출봉점심 / 옛날옛적 / 064-784-2252 / 돔베고기 또는 청진동뚝배기 / 064-782-1666 / 해물뚝배기 또는 시흥해녀의집 / 064-782-9230 / 조개죽돌문화공원저녁 / 해락원 / 064-784-3378 / 토종닭전골 - 2일차교래자연휴양림 생태탐방아침 / 낭뜰에쉼팡 064-784-9292 / 09시30분부터 영업제주 세계자동차박물관점심 / 산방식당 / 064-794-2165.. 더보기